You will find most of your questions about flight, hotels, cars or vouchers answered below

General Traveler Questions

Can I book a trip without flights?
For our vacation packages in the United States we offer 'road trips' which do not include flights.  In addition, some of our other United States...
How do I reach you by phone?
You can reach us during opening hours at 800 896 4600. 
Why did the price increase after a clicked a date?
It's possible that the price increased due to a change in availability or demand for that particular date. Additionally, rates are based on exchange rat...
Trip Mate Claim - What is my 'Booking Number'
When filing a claim with Trip Mate, you will be required to provide your Great Value Vacations 'booking number'. This is the GVV number provided to ...
What if I cannot locate my transfer driver?
If you booked a transfer and are unable to locate the driver, it is your responsibility to contact the transfer company using the provided contact informati...
What if I cannot locate my tour?
If you are unable to locate a booked tour, it is your responsibility to contact the tour company using the provided contact information in your Travel Docum...
I need to add my middle name to my reservation
We understand your concern regarding middle names on your ticket. However, please note that TSA does not require middle names, and small differences between...
Can I bring a service animal on my trip?
Great Value Vacations does not have any specific restrictions in regards to bringing animals on your travels. However, traveling animals are subject to ...